In a small sauce pan add the water, salt and vinegar followed by all the spices and place it on the stove and leave it to boil for 5 minutes.
Start Pealing and Boilling 2 Carrots in salty water ( Dont get rid off the water as we need to use it for the couscous sauce later on).
Peal 2 Shallots. Finley chopone and cut the other in half for roasting later on.
Start by triming all the access fat of the lamb steak and leave it on the side as we will be using later on.
In a hot Pan add 2 Tbsp of oil followed by the lamb fat and cook until brown.
Lower the heat and add the chopped shallot and all the spices written above and shown in the video.
Once everything is cooked add the ketchup and Cups of the carrots broth and cook for 3 minutes.
Add 1/4 slices of lemon and one juice of 1/2 lemon, cinnamon and stir until the sause start to thicken. (I didnt add any salt through the ehole process as the carrot broth contain salt already).
Sift the sauce and take 1/2 cup of the sauce and put it on the side as we will be using it with the glaze later on.
Add the raisins and the candied orange in the sauce and stir on low heat for 2 minutes .
Add the hot sauce gradually to the couscous and stiruntiul everything is combined. once the couscous starts to cook add the walnuts stir, close the lid and leave it to finish cooking on the side.
Place the lamb Steak in a resealable freezer bag and start pounding the meat until its flat.
AA the couscous and roll the lamb steak. make sure you tight the steak with a string to help keep its shape once slicing.
For the Morrocan Ketchup combine the couscous sauce, honey, aipricot Jam, water, turmeric, cayenne pepper and the ketchup togther and stir until you get a smooth sauce. At this stage, we can brush it on top of the lamb steak. Brush some of the Morrocan ketchup on the carrots and shellots and roast in the oven until they caremlise.To creat the glaze that we will drizzle on top the final dish add the remaining Morrocan ketchup in a sauce pan and cook for 10 min on low heat. Roll the Steak in flour and cook for 5 min on each side while brishing it with the Morrocan ketchup I made earlier. Take it off the pan and let it rest for 20 minutes before finish it off in the oven ( cook in the oven for 15 min on 160C). Rest the Steak for 20 minutes before slicing.
To serve : On a plte add the remaining couscous followed by the roasted carrots and shallots, slice the lamb steak and place 2 slices and top it up with few pickled onions and finish it off with few drizlles of the Morrocan Ketchup.
And enjoy.