Slow-Roasted lamb shoulder with giant Yorkshire pudding

@extratoom Giant Yorkshire pudding filled with lamb roast, roasted potatoes and creamy garlic. #roastedgarlic #roast #roastlamb #lambroastdinner #roastdinner #sundayroast #christmasmarket #roastpotatoes #potatoes #yorkshirepudding #giantyorkshirepudding #christmas #christmasdinner #yorkshire #roastdinnercooking ♬ Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree – Brenda Lee

Slow-Roasted lamb shoulder with giant Yorkshire pudding
- 1.3 Kg Lamb Shoulder
- 1 Tbsp vegetable oil
- 1 Kg Pealed and sliced potatoes
- 4 Large White onions
- 1 Kilo Pealed Carrots
- 8 Anchovies + oil
- 2 Full Garlic
- 4 Springs Fresh Rosemary
- 500 ML Chicken Stock
- 1 Tbsp Dry Coriander
- 1/8 Cup Sea Salt
- 1/8 Cup Black Pepper
Vegetable Marination
- 2 Tbsp Ghee
- 2 Tbsp Honey
- 3 Minced Garlic
- 1 Tbsp Dijon Mustard
- 1 Tbsp Vegetable seasoning (Aromat)
Giant Yorkshire pudding
- 4 L Egges
- 140 Plain Flour
- 200 ML Milk
- 1/2 Tsp Salt
- 1/2 Cup Cooking Oil
- preheat the oven to 160°C
- Mixin the vegetable marination together and set aside.
- make sure you take out the lamb shoulder 30 minutes before cooking.
- Start by adding your pealed and washed carrots, the onions and garlic that has been sliced in half in a large roasting tin followed vegetables by the marination and the Aromat seasoning and dry coriander then mix.
- Add 1 tablespoon of oil in a frying pan and start by browning the lamb for six minutes on both sides. Remove the lamb from pan and place it on a rock above the vegetables.
- score of the lamb and place rosemary and anchovies inset the holes. Making sure to do this on both sides. Followed by pouring chicken stock over the vegetable.
- Cover the pan tightly with two layers of foil. Roast for one hour and a half. Remove foil reduce the oven temperature to 140°C than roast, a further an hour and a half or until the meat can be pulled from the bones easily.
- transfer the alarm to a tray, cover with foil and rest for 30 to 40 minutes.
- in the meantime, increase the oven temperature to 200°C, and roast your potatoes.
- serve the lamb with the giant Yorkshire pudding, the vegetables and the creamy garlic and some gravy.
Giant Yorkshire Pudding
- In a bowl, start by cracking the eggs then add the flour, then whisk together into smooth then gradually add your warm milk and carry on mixing until the mixture has no lumps.
- Pour the batter into a jug cover and let it rest for 30 minutes.
- Heat a little oil in a small frying pan and place it in the oven for a few minutes. Remove from the oven and pour the batter into the frying pan and let it cook for 25 minutes. It should have puffed up as well as have a good dark brown colour at the edge and feel firm and dry.