My Story

Firstly, I would like to introduce myself my name is Janine Al Annan.
I was born in Switzerland to Lebanese parents and I am currently living in Manchester U.K. My life is exactly like my personality a little bit all over the place lol! ๐Ÿ˜€

Why Extra Toom?

Extra toom means extra garlic in Lebanese Arabic and if you know me you know my obsession with garlic. I use it pretty much in everything from Savoury recipes to home remedies like getting rid of acne even on mosquito bites it works trust me!
I always say if there was ever a dessert to be made using garlic I will be the first to jump in the queue, I am not sure why but I will be definitely curious to try haha!

I am a food blogger and recipe developer, I spend most of my day developing Mediterranean/Middle eastern style recipes that are influenced by my heritage, combined with my passion for art that I share daily across all my social media platforms including my website. 

I have gained six years of experience in the food industry where I achieved my NVQ level two in hospitality and catering, alongside working in demanding kitchens.

My experience and skills got me all the way to Masterchef UK 2021 Where I won a coveted Masterchef apron and received strong feedback from judges John Torode and Gregg Wallace about my knowledge and great understanding of flavours  After that I decided to take my skills to the next level by completing my level three advanced technical diploma in professional cookery at the Manchester College. 

My Journey with food doesnโ€™t end here as Iโ€™m currently developing my own brand โ€œ Extra Toom โ€œ And hoping once I graduate from college to start my catering and online food business as well as join the Manchester street food market by summer 2022. 

My Achievements :

  • My Tabouleh salad recipe hit 132k on Youtube
  • My Basbousa recipe hit 166K on Tiktok
  • I made it to 16th on Masterchef UK out of 15000 applicants.
  • I won the Olive magazine cook the cover competition and my pasta recipe was featured in the October 2021 issue.
  • Finalist in the Keen Home Cook competition 2022 sponsored by Teflon and ICG.