Start by whisking the milk,cream, stabiliser and vanilla paste together. Pour it in a saucepan and bring it to boil.
In a bowl whisk together the egg yolks and sugar and set aside until the cream and milk mixture start to boil.
Once the mixture start to boil remove it from the heat. Using a ladle start by tempering the eggs by pouring the cream and milk mixture on to the yolks and sugar a little at time. Making sure to whisk while pouring to avoid cooking the yolks.
Once everything has been mixed strain everything cover with cling film and let it cool for 20 minutes.
Add everything in your ice cream machine. Once it’s ready start adding the vanilla ice cream in a tub followed by layers of honeycomb. Place it in the freezer for few hours before serving.
When serving some of the honeycomb will melt and turns into caramel Which will create a great crunchy and oozy texture coming from the honeycomb.