Start by making your porridge using the instructions that you can see above or you can make your own, but once you’ve made it make sure you put it on the side and let it cool down before you start using it in your bread recipe.
Once your porridge has cooled down, mix it in a bowl with 150 mL of cold water until it becomes as a wet porridge again.
In a different bowl add your dry ingredients and tip it in above your wet porridge. Mix it in for five minutes until the dough becomes dry and lumpy cover the ball with a towel and leave it to rest for 15 minutes. Repeat this method 2X. Which will give you a total of 45 minute resting now at the final stage the dough should be stretchy and slightly sticky to touch. Transfer it into a clean oil bowl. Cover it with a towel and leave it to rise for an hour. At this stage, it should have doubled in size, punch the dough and transferred it to a floured surface. Follow the instructions in the video on how to make a loaf.
Place it in an oiled tin loaf and scatter the top with some jumbo, rolled out, cover the tin and leave the bread to rise for another hour. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 220°C in at some boiling water in a roasting tin or a deep baking tin and place it in the bottom of the oven to create steam.
When the bread has proved uncover it and slice the top with a sharp knife, put it straight in the oven, followed by the roasting tin that is filled with boiling water and bake it for 15 minutes on the highest temperature, then reduce your heat, 270°C in bake for another 30 minute until golden brown.
Place your bread on a cooling rack. To test If your bread is ready, it should sound hollow when you tap it. Allow your bread to cool for a good 20 minute before slicing.